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Vineland Phone #:
(905) 562-5454
My mom died a week ago today and I so often in this week thought of
of picking up the phone and dialing the house to talk to her. Like she never left. Time isn't real somehow and not a moment has passed. I don't feel like she's really gone.
The grief is like an aftershock of love. I don't mind the pangs or throbbing in my chest after a good cry as it reminds me that I am alive.
My mom wasn't the least bit afraid of dying. She was able to see so far out into what I can not at times.
So many of the things she said to me over the last few years of her life, are locked into my heart. Her words are tied around my bones. I can feel them there and hear her voice. I don’t want to forget it though.
We shared moments of clarity together and some of anger (mostly on my part). She would cheer me on and lift me up always! I will miss you mom and hope one day in the future I can say “Hey there you are mom....boy I missed you! “
My mother left me with a lifetime of words. She loved to read and loved her metaphors...”Like coals to new castle and “Six one, half a dozen of the other”... lol...
Don't ever think for a second that the things you say to people, don't linger and last, because they do. Make them good ones. Make them kind ones and fair ones and encouraging ones. She never knocked me down.
My mother never lost faith in me. She never stopped showing me how proud of me she was!
I am the way I am because of her. My mother gave me that gift! Love you Mom!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Anna, Jim, John and Connor